B00bs: Blue
Silicone, 2024
Approx 15cm w x 15cm d x 9cm h ea
Boobs are everywhere; usually covered up. Seeing real breasts revealed, both satisfies a curiosity or triggers a need (and maybe an inappropriate physical response) and so is a taboo shock for most depending on the context. Suitably clothed, they can be cuddly, funny amusements - honk, honk.
Begun as a way to approach the genre of figurative work, early experiments with coiling, the collapsing and slumping, made me think of 'badly behaving' breasts, either just from lying down, post-children or in older age.
The process is undertaken as an amateur, faux imitation of both a 3D printer and the potters wheel. The analogue tools of a sealant gun and a motorised display turntable combine to haphazardly attempt the dome of a breast. The coils laid collapse as fast as they are extruded, either/neither skin surface or the structures beneath. A contrasting colour silicone is used to fizzily pipe a crowning areola. A threaded plug of silicone is extracted from the nozzle and popped on top of the heap, like a cherry on a cake.
Once cured, they are put 'out on display' on the turntables they were made on, attempting to performatively draw the gaze, animating them as if still collapsing - fresh confections ready to eat.
B00bs: Blue (video, 10 secs)
Silicone, turntables, 2024
Approx 15cm w x 15cm d x 9cm h ea
B00bs: Cream (video, 35 secs)
Silicone, 2024
Approx 15cm w x 15cm d x 9cm h ea