Glass Weighs

(Above) Detail 'Glass Weighs (I)'.


Chamfered-edge glass blocks, of the type sometimes used as paper weights for flattening prints by framers, employed to weigh and press down on a mass of extruded silicone in two contrasting colours.

The pressed and flattened silicone under the glass block is permanently bonded to its underlying surface and by its transparency reveals the material changes as the extruded coils spread and meet each other. The coils surrounding are left as laid to provide the 'before and after'.

In contrast, when the work is picked up and turned over, the silicone here although flattened to varying degrees by gravity and the pressing from above, is cured unattached.

Glass Weighs (I)


Silicone (mint green and silver), cured attached to low-iron glass block, cured unattached at base, optional ream of A4 paper


20cm w x 17cm d x 3cm h






Glass Weighs (II)


Silicone (moss green and silver), cured attached to low-iron glass block, cured unattached at base, optional ream of A4 paper.


20cm w x 17cm d x 3cm h

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